Fans that Can’t Catch
When a foul ball makes it into the stands every fan in the vicinity will respond. The timid will duck and cover, while the bold will make a bid for the ball. Some are prepared with a glove, but many try and bearhand the sphere as it falls through the air. If the fan is able to make the catch, the stands will cheer him. If he or she drops it, the rest of the stands will yell loudly, “EEEEEEEEEE”. Short of course, for the error that fan has just committed.
Mound Visits
When opposing pitchers find themselves in a bind their coach will make the slow stroll to the mound. In mature, Aggie fashion, the fans will call out to that coach, “Touch His Butt!” The chorus will continue until the final moments of the mound visit. If the coach does in fact touch his hurler on the backside, the fans will scream out “Dirty Old Man”. If he walks away without rewarding the taunting fans will respond, “Tease!”
Texas A&M loves its traditions. The saying goes, that if an Aggie does something twice it’s a tradition. For that reason new Aggie traditions pop up from time to time. Thanks to the contributors at TexAgs for compiling a list of all the ones they could think of a few years back.
Perhaps the newest Olsen Field staple are the bubbles and the Whammy machines. After a big hit, a great catch, or a key strikeout fans bust out their bubble blowers and let them loose. From small begins, you can now find bubble blowing machines on sale on the concourse level of the stadium.
Next: Evaluating the Aggie Lineup
Finally, thank you to the rowdy fans of section 203 and the rest of the Aggie faithful for making every trip to Olsen Field at Blue Bell Park a memorable experience. Gig’em Aggies and BTHOeveryone. Whoop!