Texas A&M Trivia: 25 People you didn’t know were Aggies
23. Michael T. Fossum, NASA astronaut
Michael Fossum graduated from Texas A&M – Galveston in 1980 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. His cumulative spacewalk time is a whopping 48 hours, 32 minutes across seven walks and he has spent more than 194 days in space. Fossum retired in January 2017.
22. Donald R. Haragan, President of Texas Tech University
Donald R. Haragan graduated from Texas A&M in 1960 with a Master’s degree in Meteorology. He held several positions within the Texas Tech University system before becoming its president in 1996. He spent time as the Chairman of the Department of Geosciences, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Research, Provost and Executive Vice President of Texas Tech.