1. Cullen Gillaspia – The Turkey
It’s been years since I’ve seen a player get the 12th Man this excited and hyped up. There are not many things more exciting than seeing number 12 bounce around before kick-off and then to see a Thor-like figure haul down the field and lower the boom on some shrimpy return man. This is one of the iconic moments during an Aggie football that makes it so much fun!
What better correlates to this moment, than the highlight of the Thanksgiving dinner than the turkey itself? People see the magnificent bird that’s about to be feasted upon and their mouths water. Just like Gilly sees return men and his mouth starts to water. Sometimes the turkey can be a little dry. Sometimes No. 12 won’t make every tackle. But when that turkey is moist and when Cullen lays the wood on a kick-off, it’s everyone’s favorite part of the game/meal!