At number three comes Swiss-army knife Ainias Smith. Smith has been defined as a weapon for this team. Smith acts as not only a solid receiving option for this team, but also one who could take handoffs and receive kicks.
The 5’10, 190-pound receiver has the chance to breakout for this offense and become a star at the collegiate level. Smith is an elite ball-handler where if you manufacture touches for him and give him a little space, he can create some big plays. Being as dynamic as he is, he could do a lot for a football team, which is appealing to NFL scouts.
The only knocks on Smith is that he struggles with drops sometimes and he is primarily effective in the slot. The drops tend to be ones away from his body, which is good that they’re not easy passes that he’s dropping, but he could really turn heads if he catches more of those. He is capable of lining up out wide, but his release package needs to improve. Working in the slot gives you a lot of open releases, so refining that part of his game could improve his stock a bit.