This season has just been gut punch after gut punch. If it can go wrong this season, it has; from injuries to suspensions to illness and now, recently, apparel controversy, things have just been one big pile of awful.
Are there positives? Sure. The future of the program is on display week in and week out in the crazy-high amount of true freshmen taking the field each game. Perhaps things have sunk so low offensively that change is absolutely necessitated on that side of the ball; and make no mistake: any change would be welcome. This Texas A&M football team has failed to establish any semblance of offensive identity at any point this season, and if you don’t have an identity to fall back on when trouble arises, then you look lost.
A&M looks lost.
Adding insult to injury is watching and hearing about erstwhile A&M pledge Harold Perkins make an impact on games at a high level for a hated in-division rival; a rival that, despite the oddness of the fit with new hire Brian Kelly, is Atlanta-bound in their first season under the new head man. Of course, the Aggies will have their chance at a pound of flesh from the Bayou Bengals in a couple of weeks at Kyle Field, but, to put it kindly, they’ve done very little to reassure anyone that they will be able to pull off such an upset.
But for now, and for the purposes of this article, we’ll be focusing on what we can take away from Saturday night’s debacle on the plains. So what happened? How could the team have fallen this far? To quote a great man, “what’s the deal with all this stuff?”
Let’s dive in.