Offense spins its wheels
I could bust out the trusty old thesaurus to try and describe how the offense looked on Saturday night. I could use words like awful, terrible, disappointing, grungy, deficient, lousy, dreadful, odious, atrocious, and more. But I won’t. Because I’m better than that.
As I said in the open of this article, this very well might be the absolute rock bottom that finally cements the fact that A&M will be seeing a change in offensive coaching this offseason; perhaps as soon as the week following the LSU game now that a bowl berth is out the window. That’s my glass-half-full perspective.
What we saw last night was the type of offense that makes me put my head in my hands and ask existential questions. How did I get here? What choices have I made that have gotten me to this point? How could I have put such a level of emotional investment in this to cause me to have these feelings that I’m feeling?
So, in not so many words, the offense was bad. I did not like watching it.
Except for that one throw.
But the rest of it was not very fun at all.