In case you’re a Texas A&M football fan who has been living under a rock the past few days, Charter and Spectrum subscribers have had their access to all channels owned by the Walt Disney company—including the ESPN family of networks as well as even local ABC affiliates—yanked from their packages. This is due to an inability to reach terms amenable to both parties in a dispute over raising rates. Now, while things like this have happened in the past, this dispute has not only been more protracted than normal—dating back to last Thursday, right before Florida-Utah kicked off the college football season in earnest—but could be far more consequential than just a squabble between big companies, with Charter now threatening to exit the video business altogether.
This dispute, while a headache for college football fans everywhere, has led to some funny moments, like the one below:
I guess sports stars really are just like the rest of us!
In any case, I’m sure many Charter customers among the Texas A&M football faithful are wondering how they will get the Aggie game this weekend. The good news is that there is no shortage of options; chief among them, as A&M-Miami is on a broadcast channel, is to bust out the old rabbit-ears or any other type of antenna and pick up the game over the air.
If you live on a mountain somewhere or don’t get good reception for any other reason (or maybe just don’t want to go out to an electronics store to get an antenna), there are still good options. Streaming services such as fuboTV are easy to sign up for. You can even go directly to the source and sign up for ESPN+. The Aggies figure to be the feature game of the weekend, so any local sports bar should have the game going as well.
Hopefully this dispute gets resolved sooner rather than later, and Texas A&M football fans who are charter subscribers will be able to watch the Aggies again. For now, though, it might be time to consider which alternative is best.