This will be Missouri's biggest test of the season.
Will this also be the first time this year that they eat their own words?
Media members have been reporting this week on a lot of fans and players talking smack about Kyle Field and Aggie fans in general.
We haven't seen this from an opposing fanbase this year against the Aggies, so this dialogue online is quite interesting.
Let's hear what fans have been saying this week on the internet in regard to Texas A&M.
Aggie fans and Tiger fans have been going back and forth
ESPN's Scott Van Pelt once said, Aggie fans will hold the biggest grudges out of any other college in America. That might be what Aggie fans are holding until Saturday morning.
This alleged report actually comes from the Missouri team themselves.
This doesn't say "Missouri fans." This says "Missouri Tigers." Which ups the ante a lot for the Aggie fans.
Again, these are just sources but let's see how they settle it on the football field. This is rather surprising considering Missouri was in the East division and A&M was in the West.
Missouri quarterback Brady Cook is obviously trying to start some conversation among fans.
Respectfully, Aggie fans will make him eat his own words during the game if there's a pre-snap penalty. Kyle Field will be rocking following penalties and third downs.
As an opponent on the other side, the Aggies probably understand what he's trying to do, but these are mature players. The Aggies won't let it impact them.
With the crowd on A&M's side, this is an opportunity to have the last laugh at Cook.
Let's see what fans are saying.
Of course, this account had to get in on the action.
One thing about A&M fans is they will not quit once the first jab has been made.
Missouri fans won't go down without a fight either. Here's what one Missouri fan said in response.
There are high expectations for Aggie football each year, but that's because of high level recruiting. Mike Elko in his first year will go through challenges, but so far he's been able to answer the bell. This would be his biggest win so far as leading the charge in College Station.
Missouri has had great seasons too. They're coming off a Cotton Bowl win against Ohio State. They've had plenty of NFL talent the last two decades.
Both of these teams definitely have a chip on their shoulder. These fans will be ready, and it will be an important matchup for both sides in College Station.